How to entertain your visiting parents in Pittsburgh
Tour Clayton, the beautiful home of the Fricks

See their website at It’s a big beautiful house from way back. It’s now set up as a series of museums. Their cafe is quite tasty but be sure to get reservations or you won’t be eating there.
Tour the Cathedral of Learning Nationality Rooms

The Nationality Rooms are particularly interesting during the Christmas season because the rooms are decorated consistently with the nationality of the room. Come on, 30,000 tourists per year can’t be wrong. Nationality rooms website. Hmm, did they Photoshop the soot off of the building?
Visit antique stores
My mom loves antiques. She also likes shopping. What a great match!
Phipps Conservatory Botanical Gardens

Phipps conservatory
Carnegie museum

Carnegie Museum
See a play at CMU

CMU drama

Benedum Center

Benedum center
We saw the Ibrahim Ferrer and the Buena Vista Social Club at the Benedam center and I had no idea there were still buildings so beautiful. It puts the symphony hall to shame and that takes work. Don’t be misled by the tacky lighted sign outside.